Lake Barrington Shores Golf Club offers several different league play opportunities for all levels of play and time commitment.
Shoresmen League
- This league plays every Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. with a 7:30 a.m. start. A different game (team or individual) is played each week (18 holes) and your donation of $5.00 is used for prizes (golf shop credit). House guests (male) and friends are welcome to participate. Official LBSGC handicaps are used.
- At the end of the season, the annual “Shoresmen Golf Tournament” is played. This is a 36-hole tournament played on two successive Wednesdays.
- Dues for this league are $15.00, which includes the Shoresmen Hole-in-One Club.
- Sign up at the Pro Shop. Click on attached for the Shoresmen Golf Calendar.
Women’s Eighteen-Hole League
Lady golfers are invited to join the Lake Barrington Shores women’s 18-Hole golf league for the fun and friendship of league play. Play is every Tuesday morning with an 8:30 a.m. shot-gun start. You must be a member of Lake Barrington Shores Country Club to join the league.
The 2020 dues to join are $40.00 which supports our social and charitable activities and our hole-in-one pool. We also collect $5.00 total for the game played for that week’s prizes.
Our opening day will be Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. We will hold a league continental breakfast on May 19, 2020 at 8:30 a.m., followed by golf. Out season will conclude on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 with golf in the afternoon followed by a cocktail party to wrap up the season.
New members will be invited to attend an orientation meeting prior to our opening day and will be welcomed by an assigned mentor who will help you meet other members and become familiar with the club and league procedures.
For a membership application, please contact Susan Barnum at 847-401-3050 or email: Application forms are also available at the pro shop.
Women’s Nine-Hole League
The Purpose of the league is to provide a positive and friendly atmosphere where women can improve their golf skills and learn the rules and etiquette of the game, to promote safe and courteous play among the members while establishing fellowship and golf contacts within the LBS Golf Club. Our basic goal is to have fun. In order to accomplish this, we’ve tried to eliminate the stress involved in learning (or re-learning) how to play golf.
Women golfers are invited to join the Lake Barrington Shores Women’s Nine Hole Golf League on Thursday mornings from May through September with a shot-gun start. Most players meet for lunch following golf. The 2021 membership will support the activities. All league members must obtain a CDGA 9 Hole handicap for participation in league activities.
An opening Brunch and general league meeting will be held in mid-May. The first day of league play is planned for May 6, 2021.
For further information: Phone – Co-Presidents, Ann Kramer 847-902-9778 or Email -ann.kramer@sbcglobal,net or Jackie Andrew 847-951-0883 or Email –
Nine and Dine League
The Nine and Dine League welcomes golfers of all playing ability and is open to residents and non-residents alike. The group meets one Friday a month (beginning May 18) for league play followed by cocktails and dinner. 18-Hole tee-times will be offered from 12:30PM – 1:00PM, and 9-Hole tee-times will be offered from 3:00PM – 4:15PM on Friday afternoons.
Members of the Nine and Dine League are encouraged to participate in all Golf and Social functions. Membership fees for the Nine and Dine League are $45.00 per person.
The Nine and Dine League is also proud to offer a Social Membership which allows non-golfers to participate in all social functions and join the group for cocktails and dinner after league play concludes. Social Membership fees for the Nine and Dine League: $25.00 per person.
For additional information, please contact Diane Geiser, League President, at (847) 650-6365 or